Nasa Alkhalijia Company for Contracting Company

about nasa

Since the founding of NASA GULF, we have committed to good quality products and solutions for our customers. Therefore, since then, we have been working hard in developing work in the field of the contracting company to be one of the major specialized companies

Our vision

To be a leading company in the field of construction contracting and implementation of projects entrusted to professionalism and honesty through a sincere qualitative team that cares for customer satisfaction and uses the latest quality standards, and seeks to continuously keep pace with developments in the sector.

Our goal

Attracting Saudi youth to work within the NASA Gulf team

Meet the needs of government agencies and the private sector in construction, operation and maintenance

Extensive experience in the field of (design - implementation - supervision) for new projects and restoration works

Reducing the length of construction time in the project cycle

The lowest economical cost with the highest quality

The use of the latest methods and the best equipment in construction work
